The School of Engineering is excited to present the 20/21 Robo-Tournament.
Every student has been provided with the same basic kit consisting of a simple 2WD robot run by an Arduino Uno and a supplementary pack of 37 different sensors that can be attached.
The challenge is for students to develop the basic kit using the additional sensors, demonstrating in the process theory and principles acquired through the modules you have studied.
As you develop your project, there is space to share progress/photos/notes as to what you’re doing via CreativeShowcase. To upload your entries click here.

This video shows the basic operation of the robot kit:
Students’ final entries don’t have to look like this and may be very different. You do not have to use all of the parts from the basic kit and won’t be able to use all of the sensors because of the inputs available on the Arduino, only a selection so choose carefully.
Make sure your design demonstrates principles learnt in other modules.
The winning entry from each year will be that which is both innovative and at the same time embeds a wide range of Engineering principles from the course.
We realise that some of you haven’t experienced Arduino before. There are many good tutorials online and several YouTube instructors and online project guides. For a library of common Arduino commands, the Arduino website has a reference section here.
If you wish to test circuits and Arduino code prior to building anything, TinkerCAD, a part of Autodesk, allows circuit simulation and coding of the Arduino Uno. If you are practicing the basics of Arduino, a beginners set of tutorials for Ardiuno that are very detailed and step-by-step can be found starting here.
Deadline for entries will be Friday 28th May – good luck!